Discover Your Perfect Career
When we embark on our careers fresh from graduation, we feel invincible, think that anything is possible, and are sure that we will not make the same mistakes that our parents did.But recent research shows that over half of the working population are unhappy with their current careers. What went wrong?
If you are unsure about your current career path, I am thrilled to announce that I will soon be introducing a convenient Career Test to this website, but until then I invite you to ask yourself the following questions:
Do you dread Monday mornings wishing you were somewhere else?
Did you vow last New Year you would not be in the same job?
Are you happy in your current career?
Despite your best intentions are you still stuck?
Are you unsure of how to go about changing your career?
Work is one of the most significant – and time-consuming – elements of many people’s lives.
It’s also the area in which people most often feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled.

Project Star aims to help you start your journey from uncertainty about your present career, and what your next steps may be, through to having a clear vision of a career that is absolutely right for you, and a plan for how to obtain it.
The programme has been carefully tailored using research into best practice in career evaluation and transition, backed up by my own experience as a career and life coach.
The average person will spend 40 to 50 years of their life at work. That’s too long to spend in the wrong job. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the choices available to you, or daunted by making such a big change by yourself. Maybe you’d simply like career advice from somebody with the skills and expertise to help you look at things from a different angle.
CareerSuccessCoach will help you identify everything you need in your working life to be motivated and satisfied.
Research shows that those who are most satisfied and motivated by their work are in careers which reflect who they really are; careers which reflect their true nature and their real passions; careers which draw on their innate strengths and employ their favourite skills; careers which allow them to honour their deeply-held values.
For the career advice you need to achieve the career change of your dreams, find out more about our effective and innovative programmes below.