Project Star -
How to Discover Your Perfect Career

Project Star aims to help you start your journey from uncertainty about your present career, and what your next steps may be, through to having a clear vision of a career change that is absolutely right for you, and a plan for how to obtain it.
The programme has been carefully tailored using research into best practice in career advice, evaluation and transition, backed up by my own experience as a career and life coach. Its aim is to provide a framework in the form of interesting and engaging exercises that will direct you toward discovering the next step for your working life.
The programme has been designed in three phases, each of which has been named after an inspiring quotation from Mark Twain: EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
I want you to be inspired to take up that challenge.

The Programme in Brief
Research shows that those who are most satisfied and motivated by their work are in careers which reflect who they really are; careers which reflect their true nature and their real passions; careers which draw on their innate strengths and employ their favourite skills; careers which allow them to honour their deeply-held values.
Because of this, the foundation of the programme entails a long, hard look at who you are. This is the EXPLORE part of the programme. During this phase, you’ll get a clear idea of everything you need in your life to be happy and fulfilled:
Your values
Your life purpose
Your most powerful self
Your personal strengths
Your interests and passions
Your personal achievements
This knowledge is about you as a person, your life as a whole.
The next layer on the foundation stone in the EXPLORE phase is about your work preferences. You'll identify everything you need in your working life to be motivated and satisfied:
Your favourite job skills
Your key work motivators
Your professional strengths
Your greatest work achievements
Your preferred working organisation and environment
Your ideal working day

A parallel process begins in the EXPLORE PHASE - you will open an IDEAS BANK. This is a space where you can capture any career possibilities which come up throughout the stages of the programme, including ideas that you may have in mind before the programme.
The second phase is DREAM. This is a very creative part of the programme, where you will generate a number of possible new career choices. We call it DREAM because the idea here is to be expansive, to think outside the box, to not be constrained at this stage by traditional notions of what’s possible. In truth, almost anything is possible if it’s right for you. And we will deal with making it possible in the final phase, DISCOVER.
In the DISCOVER phase, you will explore the most attractive ideas in some detail and then finally narrow these down to between one and three strong possibilities which will then be explored in detail.
The final part of the programme uses a creative and empowering process which lets you turn your vision for an exciting career that’s right for you into a soundly based action plan to make it happen.
As a dedicated career advisor who loves her work, I’m looking forward to helping you take your next steps in an inspiring and motivating career change.
Thank you,

“I started working with Jennifer when I had some vague ideas and many apprehensions about what I could do to change my working life. 6 months on many things have changed for the better. Leaving my old job is happening in a smooth, planned way. Having completed Jennifer’s Career Coaching programme made me feel I could take the first steps and be so open to things passing nearby I may have ignored before but which now I am picking up and running with; I have recognised new opportunities that I did not notice before, and I have taken advantage of them in a new way. She was constructive, imaginative and encouraging which inspired me to move on.”
Medical Professional Clinician / NHS
"I initially decided to work with Jennifer as I was concerned that I wasn’t pushing myself enough or delivering to my potential. I was happy in my role; it was comfortable but not especially challenging. It would have been easy to spend another few years doing it in the hope that something would just turn up. I felt that this was the easy route and found that I needed someone to give me a shove and the confidence to strive for progression, either internally or externally. I would recommend Jennifer’s Career Coaching programme for anyone that needed a shove to get themselves out of a rut, to anyone looking for a change of career and didn’t know what to do or to anyone that felt they had the ability but lacked the confidence to push for a promotion or apply for a job outside of their comfort zone."
S Shaw, Managing Director, International at RLJ Entertainment, Inc.
"Personally, I have found the programme invaluable in learning about myself, what motivates me, understanding what my core values are and how to make what really matters to me a fundamental part of my working day.
Delving deeply into various aspects of one’s life experience instils a sense of confidence, gives one perspective and provides one with a very positive outlook on the way ahead. I would thoroughly recommend Jennifer’s services to any and all business professionals who are keen to embark on a new direction or who wish to change the ‘rhythm’ of their working lives."
Individual, Head of Business Development